5 Self-Love Rules for Awakening and Ascension


Article by Paola Borrescio


When we are in the dense human experience, we are pushed to give all the time: we give at work, we give to our relatives, we give to our partner, we give to our friends, we give to our children, we give to the government, we give so much to others that most of the time we forget to give ourselves. We run ourselves dry, we deplete our energies, we get sick, we get depressed, we get sad. In the human experience, the act of giving is taking for granted, we are constantly pushed into it and if we don't give, we feel we are not good enough, we feel guilty and ashamed.

When we awaken to another way of living, when our heart expands, when our consciousness reaches new levels, when we start to understand things differently and we start our spiritual journey, everything changes.

In this space on ONENESS, self-love becomes a must because we realize that we are stepping into something greater than ourselves and if we don’t love OURSLVES first, we cannot love anyone else. If we don’t give to ourselves first, we are not able to give to anybody else.

For many of us, self-love is something that is to be learnt. During our human experience, we identify self-love with what we are able to give to others but when we awaken to our true nature, we experience wholeness, we experience the joy of our own company, we experience gratitude for ourselves.

When we awake, we experience unconditional love from Source, from the Universe, so pure, so beautiful, we realize we are never alone and we integrate it in us to become ONE with everything and everyone. 

Here are 5 Self-love rules to focus on for awakening and ascension:

1. Taking responsibility: we are responsible for our own lives and we are the master of our own choices. When our soul awakens, the victim mode does not belong to us anymore. We make choices, every choice has a consequence, we accept the consequence, we take what we have to take from it, we let it go and we move on. 

We are here to help ourselves actively and proactively, we are not here to wait for somebody else to save us or pull us out of trouble, we are not here to save anyone either.

This last concept is very important because many people in the beginning of their spiritual awakening journey think that we are all here to save humanity, that it is our responsibility to help as many people as possible and constantly put ourselves out there. No, this is a human perspective. We are not here to save humanity. We are here to help and assist the souls that want and are ready to receive our help. We cannot help people or other beings if they don't ask for our help.

But most all, our first responsibility is to ourselves.

2. Believe in ourselves as the higher being that we are. During the shift from the 3rd dimension to higher dimensions, we completely change, we become more aware, our eyes can finally see things we have never seen before, our heart can feel emotions we never felt before. Believe in ourselves and in our Higher Self at this point, also means doing the inner work to remove any subconscious limiting beliefs, fears and blockages coming up during this process. This is what is technically called shadow work. Every now and then, during shifts, or massive collective changes or strong downloads, we receive clues inside of us about what we need to work on. Refusing to do this work inside out is going to attract the life we believe we deserve and not what we really deserve. Considering that the Universe is in us and we have access to a multitude of opportunities, refusing to face our shadows, can drag us down far away from all the universal goodies.  

3. There are no mistakes, the are no failures. We all have a supreme destiny, a soul mission, a life purpose that sooner or later comes to knock at our door. It is up to us to open that door or leave it close.

What humans define as mistakes or failures, are in fact valuable lessons or in some cases, just temporary detours from our supreme destiny.

It is easy to recognize when we are not serving our higher call. We are anxious, depressed, we feel disconnected, we have panic attacks, we feel sad, we do not understand the meaning of life. All the mistakes, failure, losses are in fact wake up calls!

4. Go within: ask and listen. Connecting within is key: with no connection, there is no journey. Many people connect meditating.

Now, let me clarify that meditating does not mean sitting in an uncomfortable position waiting for something to happen. We all have a different way to meditate, some people paint, some people dance, some people sit in silence, some people walk in the park. Find your way and do it regularly. 

5. Taking care of ourselves first, filling our own cup and only after we are satisfied, we shall give freely. If we want to keep high vibrations, we have to have a balance. Without balance, there is no giving to others. Can you imagine giving to some else when we are empty inside, or angry or upset or drained? Giving to others when we are empty, angry or upset means giving exactly those low vibrations to our friends, loved ones, colleagues and friends perpetrating a low-vibrational cycle.

When we shift, we change for good. When we shift, there is no turning back. When we shift, we are unconditional LOVE. When we shift into higher consciousness, we raise the vibes of the entire planet, when we shift, we grow our etheric wings, when we shift, we are pure flow of energy. When we shift, we are ONE and WHOLE.

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