Article by Deborah Shimer
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #18
Quite honestly it breaks my heart. I don’t want to seem overly dramatic here, but the reality is quite shocking. I meet women every day who are complacent. Yes they are busy - actually very busy. But generally it is with things that “have to” get done - the kids, the job, the dinner, the dishes, the husband. Oh the exhaustion of it all!
We have become so systematic in our lives that many of us have lost the vibrancy of our early twenties and thirties. And even if we have passionate moments they are often few and far between.
What I know is that when we add passion as a key ingredient to everything we do, we change profoundly. We look younger, accomplish more and have more fun. Life becomes an entirely new ball game.
You might think that “adding passion” sounds nice in theory but seems like to much trouble to make happen. But I would like to dispel that theory and reveal a few secrets that I believe will quickly have you experiencing life differently.
Secret 1
Make sure that adding more passion into your life is something you really want. Do you feel it in your belly; an excited, expansive feeling? If you only think it is something you want (and your body is totally not engaged), this secret is probably not calling to you right now…
Secret 2
Realize that creating more passion is like training a new muscle. It takes consistency and practice. So be prepared.
Secret 3
Stop. Spend 10 to 15 minutes and visualize what a more passionate life would look like. Write it down if you can and then really FEEL yourself having this experience. The “feeling” part makes all the difference… It gives your body an idea of the feeling you want so it becomes the “new normal.”