You Have an Idea, Now How to Make it Happen


Article by Kelly St. Claire
Photo Credit: Rose Jane
Magazine: Issue #19

How to Make it Happen

How to Make it Happen

Where is your vision?
I've had shards of my vision floating all around me, but it was hard to catch them and put them together into something I could dive into and shine like a beacon out into the world.

I would have a huge brilliant idea pop into my head, and would sometimes write it down and build on it, but it eventually got lost to mundane life distractions. In order to find my moxie, I realized the need to harness the sparkle of my vision.

Here's how to find brilliance and pizzazz in your vision.

Dream big, but have a strategy.

Visualize your dreams, feel them, write them, plan them. Add them to your calendar and find a strategy.  Sometimes finding a strategy is the challenging part.

Take action.

All of the dreaming in the world is useless unless you act on it. Your calendar dates will pass by fruitlessly unless you act.  Make a list each day of actions that will bring you closer to your dreams and DO THEM. Set up a schedule and stick to it. 

Prepare for success.

Plan out what you are going to do when your desired dreams come true. If it is about creating more income, where will it go? How will you spend it and where will you put it? If it is about new clients, how will you accommodate them? If it is about creating a masterpiece (artwork, writing or anything else creative,) where will you hang it? where will you publish it? Get the idea? You must have a plan or else you will never live into your bigger vision.
Connect with spiritual source.

Daily connection with your inner wisdom,  spiritual guidance,  however you experience it. Follow the tiny voices that lead you into an inspired life. Let go of static ideas and go with the flow. There is power in allowing, and quiet, meditation and receiving from the spirit world.

Have someone hold the vision for you.

Perhaps this is the most important one. Through my own experiences, having a coach who holds the vision for me, who believes in me and my success and doesn’t buy into my bullshit stories of not being good enough or capable enough, is invaluable and VITAL.

Of course you will get lost along the way, especially if you are dreaming big. A coach/guide’s purpose is not just to cheerlead,the good ones lovingly and fiercely believe in you and your capability to live into your biggest dreams. They take the dreams out of the abstract into reality.

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