Most of us know what smudging is by now and how cool it can be for our aura, our space, and our well-being and so what better way to start off the day than talking about having a good “smudge”. The practice of smudging clears energy and gets rid of emotional and spiritual negativity that clings onto a space or a person.
Our ancient ancestors have been smudging their bodies and spaces as a ritual to connect the material plane to the realm of spirits for many eons, so every time we smudge we are actually connecting to our lineage in a powerful way.
Our ancestors also used smudging their bodies as the first form of perfume. Perfume literally means “through smoke”, so walking through this smoke of the medicinal herb or healing plant we are using the perfume of the old. Pretty cool right? For me smudging is a daily ritual.
I like to start my day thinking of my intentions and letting the smoke be a symbolism of taking those intentions up to the heavens while clearing the negative energy out of my space, which reminds me… always keep a window open so all that negative energy has a place to leave out through an opening.
What to smudge?
Palo Santo :: Healing of the body and homes where people or pets have been sick
Sage :: Cleansing of people, spaces, and objects and ridding them of negative energies
Cedar :: Protection, great for using in new spaces
Sweet grass :: Blessings, goodness and warmth from Mother Earth
Whatever you are drawn to the smudge is your intuition talking to you and telling you what you need.
How to:
Whatever you are burning, light one end until it catches fire and let it burn until the flame goes out, keep it in an abalone shell or anything else you desire that is fire proof and open up a window. Let the smoke rise up and picture your intention as you say a mantra, affirmation, or just think good intentions. Picture any negativity washing away as positive energy encircles you and your space and get ready to have an amazing day.
See our most popular ritual kits for Smudging… The Rising Star Kit, The Moongazing Kit, and the Twin Flame Reunion Kit.