I’ve been getting lots of questions from clients and Club Members about what to do when you get a lot of people unsubscribing to your newsletter, membership site, Facebook group, etc… and I wanted to nip it in the bud.
When people opt-out or cancel any subscriptions, celebrate. When you worry about those people who no longer want to hear from you— you are simply wasting precious time. The real problem you should be dealing with is attracting new leads and getting in front of those who would happily take their place. Do you have an automated strategy for that? If not, you should.
In fact, I’m going to suggest you start emailing more often, sharing more rad ideas in your group, and maybe even up your prices for your Membership site so you can find out who's really a HOT LEAD. There are a zillion new leads out there who would happily take their place — why furrow your brow and get wrinkly for those people who don’t matter?
Remember this: when you worry about who doesn’t like you or no longer wants to hear from you, learn from you, or buy your stuff, think of it as a blessing. It’s the push you need to get marketing and in front of NEW leads, which should be your primary job 7 days a week.
Check out this FB post that I did yesterday - Business Tip of the Day
Learn more about our Pro level Club Membership and start advertising to find those new leads. We’re here to help, when you’re ready to get serious.
Now… go celebrate!