You may not want to look it straight in the peepers. Some of it may be scary, unconventional or intimidating, but it's part of who you are. What would it take for you to just unleash it, once and for all?
4 || Dress For The Life You Desire.
The way you dress is part of BEING that woman you see in your visualizations and on your vision board. The one you day-dream about who can sometimes feel almost frick frackin' impossible.
If we keep Iconic Visionary Dream You abstract, then she'll always seem far away, and unattainable. But she's not far away! All we have to do is begin to bridge the gap. The way you choose to self-adorn is a kick-ass, immediate and easy way to get closer to that YOU.
5 || Break The Rules.
Do you find yourself compromising, bending, censoring, dimming, altering who you are in order to be liked, not make waves and gain approval? Dude, here's the thing that I still remind myself and my clients about: You will never be everybody's cup of tea. Ever. So, you might as well embrace that shit and go full-throttle, pedal to the metal in your self-expression, amIright?!
6 || Know You’re An Artist & Express Yourself Freely.
This isn't about giggling over clothes (although, that is pretty effing fun) or following the latest trends (unless that really mega floats your boat). It's about BEING your mission, your purpose, your path. It's about EMBODYING your VISION, aka, your art, and allowing the way you move through your world and how you express yourself visually go help your momentum.
7 || Stay Connected & Open To Receiving.
Do you ever find yourself...
- Rejecting compliments or responding with another compliment
- Dismissing accolades, praise or kudos
- Feeling awkward when someone pays for dinner or coffee
- Feeling guilty when you get gifts
- Having a hard time hiring outside support for your business
- Buying yourself clothes and accessories that are on sale instead of things you love?
- Resisting being celebrated or congratulated
- Rejecting help or telling yourself you can do it all alone
- Talking yourself out of wanting more
- Refusing "too much" attention or being in the spotlight (however it looks for you)
Would Oprah, Gwen Stefani or Gala Darling do this? Then why should you, ICON?! Which of these are you ready to start working on today, in the name of Style?!