Imagine yourself as a seven-year-old playing softball. You are doing your best at it and having so much fun. You miss a hit and your coach pulls you to the side and starts screaming at you, “You suck, you should know better and you just blew it, you’ll never learn and will always suck…”
What would your adult self do? Would you join the coach and scream too? Would you kick the coach’s ass? I have a strong feeling that you would stop the coach from screaming at a girl who is simply doing her best and having fun while doing it.
So why do we constantly speak these things to ourselves? That voice constantly screaming (or whispering) makes it impossible to be creative and open to possibilities. Not only that—it’s plain mean.
Having this realization made me reevaluate my ways. I decided that in order to live a happy and wealthy life, I needed to become a master of self-love, appreciation and celebration. The moment I made this shift, my business started shifting too. I started taking daring risks in my business. Some failed big time, while others were big successes. Despite the result, I always found a way to celebrate and appreciate the fact that I went for it. This fueled me to take new risks and allowed me to learn from the “failures.”
My birthday this year will be a celebration of all the times I fell and got back up stronger than before. I will commit to another year of strengthening my new mastery of self-love, appreciation and celebration. Will you celebrate with me?
How would your business improve if you mastered self-love, appreciation and celebration? In other words—what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?