For now, we are going to focus on what are the colors, feelings and rights related with each Chakra, and a set of affirmations that you can use to keep them balanced and well.
Root Chakra: Color: Red; Feelings: Security, survival, stability; Right: to have.
Affirmations: “All of my needs are met right here, right now”, “My life is blessed with prosperity” and “I am grounded, still and focused today and always.”
Sacred Chakra: Color: Orange; Feelings: Sexuality, Creativity and Money; Right: to feel.
Affirmations: “I am divinely connected with everything and everyone. I am one with all there is”
“New ideas to attract money come to me constantly” and “I have a healthy and vibrant sexual life. I enjoy it with love and passion.”
Solar Plexus Chakra: Color: Yellow; Feelings: willpower, energy, sense of purpose; Right: to act.
Affirmations: “I enjoy a balanced rhythm in the events of my daily life”, “I let go of the need to control everything and everyone” and “My energy level is high and constant allowing me to move through my day with ease and joy”.
Heart Chakra: Color: Green; Feelings: Unconditional love, compassion, self-acceptance; Right: to love and be loved.
Affirmations: “I am a wonderful being and I deserve to love and be loved”, “I profoundly love and accept myself” and “I open my heart to life and life opens the gate of blessings for me”.