Article by Marie-Aude
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #29
So you wonder why you still haven't found love? What is it that all these women in relationships have that you don't? What do you do wrong? You think it might just be some bad karma you have to overcome, but where do you start? Well, finding the man of your dreams, attracting him to you, and making that relationship last is not just about luck.You can't expect Mr. Right to find you and come rescue you from your pain and sorrow. He won't. He wants you to be ready for him when he shows up! And he is looking for three qualities in particular.
The ideal woman is different.
We are all different, but being different is all about knowing yourself, embodying yourself with all of your uniqueness. There are so many beautiful girls out there! You need to stand out. It is not about your weight or body shape, it is about your frequency. Find your true essence, elevate your frequency, and you'll attract him to you (no need to worry, when you fall in love, you will lose the weight.. that's nature at work). It doesn't matter if you've had a shady past, it gives you dimension. It doesn't matter if you have just recovered from a depression, it gives you depth. Your knowledge of your own self, your love for yourself, your own desires and wishes, your own spirituality, it all makes you unique. So, don't try to fit in a mould of what society tells you is ideal, you will just end up being a cast. You want to be the real thing.
The ideal woman is able to give.
Relationships are all about giving and taking. When you found your equal, you will naturally want to give yourself to him. Do not hold back, be generous. Let him see you for who you are. As a woman, giving also means nurturing. Let me tell you straight up: he has to see that you will be able to nurture him and his children. He has to see you as the mother of his children. So stop waiting for him to shower you with presents. Think of what you can offer him. You are a woman worthy of his attention and love, and you want to show it to him.
The ideal woman is also open to receiving.
Mr. Right very often will not show up in the way you would have imagined he would. When you are open, he will know that you are accepting of him for who he is as well. Be open to life's beauty and opportunities; they are infinite. Be open to the Universe, it has so much to offer! When you have a childlike curiosity for life, that is when all things will show up for you. You want to be able to see him and recognize him when he comes. Put on your antennas, and be ready to catch his frequency. That will make you attractive, among other things. If you are up tight and closed up, he will not feel attracted to you.
Are you different, able to give, and able to receive? Of course you are! You are by your own very human nature. It is just a matter of learning to be yourself, and being who you were always meant to be. It sounds simple, but it involves some digging and excavating on your part. It's fun and you are guaranteed to find beautiful treasures. Those are the gems that will adorn the Goddess that you are, and you don't want her to be invisible.