Perhaps you're on a spiritual path: practicing mindfulness, creating altars within your home, reading books, and enrolling in self growth classes. Or maybe, you're going through the dark night of the soul where everything feels like it's falling apart and the tears are flowing like a waterfall almost on the daily.
Well, truth be told, all of those things are merely representatives of what's to come.
My dark night of the soul lasted nearly 20 years and I've been questioning everything about what it means to be alive since I was a 7 year old doing cartwheels in the front of my home. I wanted to understand the meaning of life even at such a young age, but there was a place I wasn't looking because I didn't know where to look.
Several years ago I was met by my (now) spirit guide, Count Saint Germain. I had no idea who he was or what powerful role he'd play in my life. I'd also never known any of my spirit guides, although I felt spirit guiding me all the time.
Count Saint German lead me to my mission, to help raise the frequency of the planet from 3D consciousness to 5th dimensional consciousness -- again, I had never received such divine downloads before and I have him to thank for this.
This lead me on a wild search for wisdom and inner-standing on the subject of 5th dimensional living.
Here are a few things I did regularly that sharpened by intuition and deepened by spiritual journey, which eventually lead me into the 5th dimension:
Epsom Salt Baths
I'm a big fan of hot baths with crystals and salt, but I had no clue that the salt had been clearing dark entities from my consciousness for years. (And if you want to know an eye-opening fact about the dark night of the soul, well, it's basically your awareness of the dark entities that have attached to your consciousness).
Through regular Epsom Salt Baths, I was clearing and banishing dark entities from my body and the whole world got real, real. It almost frightened me more to learn that I had been allowing the dark entities to control my thoughts, which kept me on a merry-go-round of deep sadness for 20 years. I literally couldn't stop crying, but more on that another time.
If you're not currently taking Epsom Salt Baths and you're on the spiritual path, I would greatly encourage you to turn on your favorite binaural beats station, light some candles, adorn your tub with crystals and gemstones, and let the magic begin.
Tarot Cards
I bought my first tarot deck on my 40th birthday. I didn't know much about the tarot, other than I loved getting tarot readings at my local mystic shop in Echo Park, an east side district in Los Angeles called House of Intuition. It was actually there I learned how to perform my first spell by creating my first altar.
When I purchased the deck I just held them in my hands, shuffled them a little, and my friends and dates asked me to read for them. Not knowing much about the cards, I was able to intuitively tap in to cards' artwork and the readings were very deep. I then started giving myself daily readings for the next year and a half before I started my YouTube channel and began reading for the collective.
Tarot has been a powerful tool for me to deepen my connection with my spirit guides and Count Saint Germain whom I owe much of my Ceremonial Alchemy work to, which has strengthen my connection to the divine in ways I am still trying to inner stand.
Law of Attraction
While most people have heard of the Law of Attraction, I was on a quest to get to the root of how it worked. I had a plethora of health issues and food simply wasn't healing my ailments, so I began manifesting in the Epsom Salt Baths.
I ask spirit for guidance, although at the time, I wasn't in contact with my now spirit guide, Count Saint Germain and began reciting affirmations repetitively during those Epsom Salt Baths.
I also asked for signs and downloads for things I was doing wrong, needed to eliminate or add into my lifestyle in order to heal. I would later make a course on this called Skin Spirituality, because those divine downloads became the foundation to my healing my heart and my body.
I have the Law of Attraction to thank for my initiation into the world of the 5th dimension.
While these 3 things I practiced regularly were the introduction to my learning the secret language of the 5th dimension, they weren't the entire story.
I needed to strengthened my solar plexus, which eventually opened up my throat chakra, which I had no clue was sealed closed. This lead me on an adventure to getting to know my soul and eventually find my authentic voice -- something I teach my community in our weekly masterminds.
My soul was always there ready to share the answers with me, but I simply couldn't hear much with all the dark entities attached to my consciousness. However, I needed these few spiritual activities to break on through to the other side, which ultimately gifted me the language of the 5th dimension:
I understand this word is used abundantly and even mis-used at times, but what I've come to understand is that Manifesting is the language of the 5th dimension.
Before you can manifest, you must first understand it is an art.
Manifesting is a craft that is strengthened over time. Sure, we are always manifesting all day every day based on our feelings, but the art of manifesting is taking the wheel of the ship and becoming the captain.
I wanted to become the captain of the destiny! I was tired of being controlled!
The 5th dimension isn't just some 70's song with a good beat, it's actually the integration of your soul with the divine and that integration is a dance.
You will know if your soul is dancing with the divine when you are manifesting your intentions with grace. This is really important.
Most people think they are "manifesting" what they want simply by writing down their desires and lighting a candle. That's a great start. However, what I've come to learn is that manifesting is a language and it takes practice.
Just like learning a foreign language that is quite different than your native language, you're going to get a couple tenses wrong or you may even say something you didn't mean to say.
I think back to those days in the bathtub "trying to manifest" my body back to health. I cried. I probably even pleaded. I was repetitive in my affirmations, but mostly I was just desperate for change.
While many "manifesting gurus" will tell you that you must possess the feeling of already having what you desire in order to manifest it, I would have to say I slightly disagree. You are learning the language of the 5th dimension and it's okay if you're not in the exact frequency of your desire.
Manifesting is a process; it's an art, a craft, a relationship with your soul and the divine. And relationships aren't built overnight. They require attention and presence.
If you have dark entities attached to you, presence is going to be incredibly difficult. This is why meditation is challenging for so many people.
I'd like to show you how to Master the Art of Manifesting in the 5th Dimension in my free video training available here.
In closing, know that you are a miracle in a body. Your soul is an effervescent light waiting to reunite with the divine. Once you have met with divinity, it's an opportunity to strength the relationship by surrendering to your need to control any circumstance in your life.
But, you can still practice the art of manifesting until you master the language and all that really means is that your soul has learned to dance with the divine.
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