The power of our heart can lead us places with more ease and grace that we could never comprehend or reach utilizing only the mind. Our hearts are a powerful force that guide us, teach us and heal us. In today’s society more and more of us are tuning in more to our hearts for guidance, learning to use discernment and trusting in what it tells us. As we integrate the mind with the heart we can make decisions from a more centered and present place rather than operating from a place of dysregulation, old programs and limiting beliefs and from our ego. We truly claim our power when we can be human but embrace our divine and multidimensional nature.
When we tap into our hearts, its like an inner compass that is always guiding us towards what will serve us for our highest good, and also how we can be of divine service to others. Its not about having everything figured out, but instead being able to surrender and trust this innate wisdom within us and be soul led. Knowing in every present moment we will know what we need to know, we will go where we need to go and we will feel what we need to feel. We see through a lens of love, beauty, harmony and peace.
As we become more heart centered and make it a daily practice to tune in to our own hearts we impact all levels of our being – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual in a way that we cannot always understand. We feel higher vibrational energies, our mind is clear and open to receive our hearts guidance and inspiration, we feel our life force energy moving through our body and we are clear and open channels for higher wisdom, energies and codes from Source. We also affect our family, community, the whole human collective conscious, planet and universe as we become a beacon of light and radiate that outwards, we transmit a frequency and energy that is powerful and alchemizing.