The Power of Your Heart: A Daily Practice to Become Heart Centered


Article by Hayley Zammit

The Power of Your Heart: A Daily Practice to Become Heart Centered

The power of our heart can lead us places with more ease and grace that we could never comprehend or reach utilizing only the mind. Our hearts are a powerful force that guide us, teach us and heal us. In today’s society more and more of us are tuning in more to our hearts for guidance, learning to use discernment and trusting in what it tells us. As we integrate the mind with the heart we can make decisions from a more centered and present place rather than operating from a place of dysregulation, old programs and limiting beliefs and from our ego. We truly claim our power when we can be human but embrace our divine and multidimensional nature.

When we tap into our hearts, its like an inner compass that is always guiding us towards what will serve us for our highest good, and also how we can be of divine service to others. Its not about having everything figured out, but instead being able to surrender and trust this innate wisdom within us and be soul led. Knowing in every present moment we will know what we need to know, we will go where we need to go and we will feel what we need to feel. We see through a lens of love, beauty, harmony and peace.

As we become more heart centered and make it a daily practice to tune in to our own hearts we impact all levels of our being – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual in a way that we cannot always understand. We feel higher vibrational energies, our mind is clear and open to receive our hearts guidance and inspiration, we feel our life force energy moving through our body and we are clear and open channels for higher wisdom, energies and codes from Source. We also affect our family, community, the whole human collective conscious, planet and universe as we become a beacon of light and radiate that outwards, we transmit a frequency and energy that is powerful and alchemizing. 


So how do we begin to utilize our heart more? How do we start to integrate our minds with our heart more and more in our daily life?

  1. Set the intention to do so! Our pure intent is powerful. If it’s something that you truly want to do then state it to yourself – both your human awareness and your higher self consciousness and also let Source/God/Spirit/Divine/Sophia (whatever word you want to use) know! You can state this out loud or in your mind or even in your journal.

  2. Become more present. When we become present in life experiences and situations we become aware that we have a choice in each moment, we can react to things like we always have or we can take a pause, a breath and tune into our hearts and respond differently. In addition to real life in the moment situations, we can also create time and space in our life to consciously tune in. We could do it every morning or before we go to sleep at night, there are no rules!

  3. During an activity. You can be going for a walk, cooking, yoga, spending time with your friends and family, allow these joyful, special moments to unfold the petals of your heart, surrender to the love or inner peace you feel within! We don’t need to force our hearts open or to make it a big task to live from this place, its all about allowing our natural state of being to arise without the resistance of our fears or mind chatter getting in the way of it.

  4. Processing emotions. When we feel hurt, shame, anger etc we can utilize our heart to support us. We can surrender and allow our heart to alchemize the emotions that are ready to be transformed into a higher state. We can hold our hand over our heart or bring our conscious awareness to it and allow the compassion and love hold us in these moments.

  5. Trust the heart. The more we trust our intuition or inner guidance and calling from the heart and follow it and see the wonderful results that came from it, the more we feel safe to trust our heart. We trust and know it is always leading us to something that is for us, we know it always leads us to things that are for our highest good so we surrender to it more and more and allow the egoic mind to quieten and trust.

The more and more we utilize the power of the heart, for both ourselves and others it then becomes a way of life. We become soul led, we experience more ease, flow, joy and grace in our lives. We feel supported, guided and empowered along our path and no matter what happens in our life we know we can always go within.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
