The Importance of Having a Soul Family


The Importance of Having a Soul Family

The Importance of Having a Soul Family


After yesterday's class on Creating the New Earth, it only confirmed how imperative a soul family is when you're learning how to integrate your shadows and transition out of an old paradigm, The Age of Pisces.

It is my honor to be serving you, my kismet clients, who continue to show me all of my divine gifts. While most of my classes are channelled, yesterday I was guided by the Light.

With Wednesday's new launch, the Ceremonial Alchemy Library, along with our Weekly Leadership Mastermind on Why Ethos is Attractive, it's pretty safe to say the PEOPLE in my soul family are taking the necessary next steps to improving their inner and outer worlds -- and it shows!



When looking for a community or soul family... what are the essentials?

As went on a search to find the answer within, I discovered that community is so much more than simply a shared interest or even just cuz we want to learn a new skill.

Which got me thinking about what makes a really great community?

Well, for starters, the people and the curricula.

Here are 5 Irresistible Traits of a Great Community or Soul Family:

1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
This kinda goes without saying, but respect is huge. It means you give others a time to complete their thought before interrupting so you can be heard. I find that respect is also a great catalyst for learning. If we stop to truly listen, we just might find the answer to a question forgot we had!

This is essential for me personally. I get bored listening to a monotonous speaker or regurgitated information. To keep a community going you must have compelling teachings; you know the ones that get you scratching your head and leave you with something to chew on for days or even months on end.

This one is definitely growing high on my must-have community list. While Holistic Fashionista is a "community-based" platform, group projects really brings a family to to "the dinner table"! Having a project where the family is interested in co-creating together is invaluable! Everyone gets to shine their light with their area of expertise. Total win-win.

When I think about a "soul family" you gotta be able to be yourself. Perhaps you don't feel like putting on makeup for the event or just have a few minutes to spare while waiting for your littles to get out of school. A true soul family accepts you for who you are and are just grateful to have your energy there -- whether you're dressed for the gala or just got back from the gym!

I couldn't leave this one out! A soul family or community is the perfect place to build new relationships and make true connections. Why? Because a soul family consists of people who are in vibrational alignment. This makes it very easy to open up and really get to know someone.

I feel like relationships  today can seem borderline superficial, only sharing 1-2 interests in common. However, a soul family will stretch you in ways to help you grow and these kinds of relationships are priceless and the real deal!

So there you have it! 5 irresistible traits of a true soul family or community.

It's not every day you bump into a group of people who have so much in common AND hold space for you to be your authentic self too. The world is changing and the New Earth is being created.

Isn't it time to take a good look at what *you* want in a soul family and then find the perfect one to match your needs?

If so, I'd be over-the-moon to have you to join the Sophia Rising Leadership Training!

Our community is SO awesome, and I don't just say that because it's mine. :)


Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s magick and brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and owning their voice.

She has a special connect with alchemist, St. Germain and the Life Path 7th Ray, The Age of Aquarius, and her love for plants and tarot are prevalent in many of her workshops. As a a starseed and 5D activist, she was brought here to serve humanity, and Holistic Fashionista is her platform where she shares her divine downloads to encourage her clients to explore their own divinity and become powerful, self-realized New Earth Leaders of Tomorrow.

Learn more about Angel and her work. We'd ♡ to hear from you! Join the Holistic Fashionista Spiritual Network!
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