Did you receive a disappointing Tarot reading? Did you feel that your question was not answered? Did you leave the Tarot reading session with more questions than answers?
The one thing that separates a good reading from a bad one is the question you ask. Some readers will point you in the right direction and rephrase your question. Some others, out of fear of losing you as a client, will simply answer the question you asked without further elaboration.
So what makes a question powerful enough to give you clarity and a solution to the issue you are facing?
The answer is simple: The reading is about you so the question should revolve around you only.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say that you have suspicions about your romantic partner’s faithfulness. If your question sounds something like this “Is he cheating?” or “Is she seeing someone else while dating me?”, then your Tarot reader will connect with the energies of your partner but not necessarily yours.
How does that affect the reading? Well, first of all, you will receive an answer that might be similar to this “Yes, he is cheating” or “She is not seeing anyone else. You guys look happy.” There are going to be a couple more details about the topic but that is all you will get.
Technically, you pay for a “Yes” or “No” answer that will give you little information about the topic. Not only that, but you also ask for information about someone else’s life which makes them the focus of the reading rather than you.
Additionally, keep in mind that you cannot change another person’s actions. If they have already made a decision or follow a specific lifestyle, you can either watch, participate or leave. The only things you are responsible for are your actions and decisions.
It might be tempting to ask third-party questions, but please take a moment and focus on yourself. What is the main reason you want to receive a Tarot reading? What is the real burning question behind it?
So let’s go back to the example about the potential unfaithful partner. If you want to know “Is he talking to his ex behind my back?”, your worries and fears could be related to the following:
You are afraid he is going to leave you for someone else.
You are not good enough.
You are going to be single again and you do not want to deal with the dating scene.
You are comfortable with your connection to him and perhaps you even took him for granted.
You have been with him for a long time and you do not want to give up on your relationship.
Now that you have uncovered some potential truths behind your initial question, these are some example questions you should ask your reader:
Where my relationship with X is going?
What does my love life look like now and in the future?
How can I improve my relationship with X?
Taking this example into consideration, you can apply the same method to topics around work, finances, family, friends, life decisions, and so on.