So, what are the signs you have an attached earthbound spirit or energy vampire?
The first signs, may be a gradual decline in your wellbeing – physical, emotionally and mentally. Unfortunately, it can feel like a lot of common symptoms for other ailments. If you’ve exhausted all other possibilities including seeing your doctor, it is definitely worth considering.
Fatigue and a general lethargy – feeling drained are common side effects. As is the feeling that you are just not yourself and it’s difficult to come into alignment. In fact, you may be lacking the motivation to do so. An escalation in your reaction to triggers in your life can also be a sign to watch out for. Some people experience thoughts they have never had before – like whispers that sound like they are from someone else. This can be especially confronting.
If you are a channel, you are especially vulnerable as sometimes they are attracted to your beacon of energy as you connect to the cosmos. Being mindful of who and what we are connecting to and protecting our energy (I love Archangel Michael for this) means it’s much less likely something will slip through.
So, how to cleanse your energetic house?
Ridding yourself of spirit attachments, dark entities and parasites is a bit like cleaning your own home. First you get rid of all the unwelcome visitors before cleansing, purifying and protecting. Light and love is the key. When we turn our inner light on, we can expose what’s lurking in the corners, we can feel for dark energies deep within our body or the presence of someone standing in our energy field.
It can take some practice, but our healing angels and spirit guides are always ready to help move them on. Transforming them into light energy once they are separated from your vibration so they can’t go on to do harm to anyone else, is always a good idea.
It’s always helpful to remember that you’re a child of pure source energy. By calling on your warrior spirit, you can defeat anything. Your energetic body is your home, and no-one gets to stay without your permission.