1 :: Write down your intentions for this cycle, and read/speak them out loud(you can repeat them as many times as you like) Keep these in a safe place, so you can reflect on them next New Moon
2 :: Forgiving yourself and others exercise. On a piece of paper write down the names of 3 people you want to forgive this cycle, and why you need to forgive them. Next write down 3 things you need to forgive yourself for this cycle, and why. In a fire-proof bowl, or cauldron light the paper on fire. When it is all burned, hold the ashes in your hands, and blow the ashes into the wind outside to set the forgiveness free.
3 :: Do a spiritual cleanse:
Sit or lie down
Take slow deep breaths
Visualize a beautiful white light surrounding you, and flowing through you.
Visualize that light touching all of you, and turning the negative and darkness into white Universal light.
Light a candle, burn sage, clap hands, or play a singing bowl to close out the cleansing.
4 :: Find an affirmation for new beginnings that you can use for this cycle. Some examples:
I can clearly see the blessings that are all around me.
Powerful changes are coming, I welcome and embrace them.
I am creating my own future with passion and joy.
5 :: Close ritual with a prayer. Make it personal and reinforce your intentions for this moon cycle.
Setting intentions that are specific, clear and concise and doing a New Moon Ritual are some of the ways to be creative about taking charge and working to manifest the things that you want in your life. Blessed Be.