Are you in fear, frustration, or overwhelming exhaustion?
If you answered yes, it is high time for you to reclaim these two fundamental Birthrights: the right to be safe in your environment and body, and to be energetically empowered.
Birthrights are divinely given to you as a soul being but unfortunately, slowly stripped away at the time of your human birth. It begins as a helpless infant when you cannot choose or express who can touch and hold you. Your location and experience of space is out of your control, and even your energetic field is constantly invaded by those craving the unconditional love of a child.
By adulthood, not only have you rarely consciously chosen your limits, but you are unaware that these are yours to claim. You are disconnected from your divine Birthrights.
How can you reclaim them?
Begin by setting Boundaries.
Boundaries are tangible and intangible limits. They can be created, recreated, taken away, or broken. They can be rigid, balanced, fluid or non-existent. To name a few, Boundaries can exist in time, language, and in the physical as well as energetic realm.
Healthy Boundaries, consciously created by you and for your life, are the access to reclaiming your Birthrights.
The following two Boundaries will allow you to reclaim your rights to safety and energetic vitality.
Physical Boundaries
Physical boundaries allow you to reclaim the right to be safely embodied, and take up space in your physical environment.
Physical boundaries can be created, already exist or be taken away in the physical three dimensional realm. You can also embody being the physical boundary.
A created physical boundary can look like placing an object between yourself and another to assert your space. It can sound like telling someone not to touch you or look like using your arms as a shield to physically protect yourself.
An embodied physical boundary can look like showing up powerfully to an event you were invited to, despite other invitees not wanting you there: you are claiming your right to be there and take up space. It could also look like leaving a physical space because a person is making you feel unsafe.
When you do not have physical boundaries you can feel exhausted, unsafe, and ungrounded. You may also be unconsciously putting yourself in unsafe environments with people that may harm you. When you reclaim your physical boundaries you feel safe, embodied and grounded; you create the access to shift from physical survival to expansive vitality.
To identify where you need to create, maintain or take away physical boundaries, ask yourself these questions:
Do I feel safe in my body and around others?
Do I feel safe in my home, neighborhood, workplace, etc.?
Do I feel like I have the right to take up space?
Do I take up space?
Do my belongings physically take up space in my home, my office, etc.?
If the answer is no to any of these, consider where boundaries could be added, maintained or removed. You will know what to do. You are the only one who can truly know how to calibrate your Boundaries. Be courageous, reach out for support if needed, and adjust your Physical Boundaries.