Pretend health foods, Oh-La-La Amazonian juice, & Muscles!
You've seen it, heard it, read it, and bought it. "On this diet, you can have gluten-free pizza, waffles, noodles, brownies, and cupcakes!" Just control your portions, right? Here's a reality check: these foods are not geared towards helping you achieve long term fat loss. Most diets are aimed at women who just want to drop some pounds and who are not weight training. What happens? You lose the weight, but it comes back with a vengeance thanks to also losing metabolically active weight called "muscle." Oh, and you never really learn how to eat 100% whole foods because you've been tricked into believing that "pretend" health foods can help your fat loss.
Is Amazonian oh la-la exotic berry juice is the secret to igniting your fat loss? How many times have we all bought into taking the rainbow pill because there are deficiencies in our diet? Let's get real here - there actually is no obscure ingredient missing in your diet that is going to make all the difference in your fat loss world. Have you considered that boozy weekends, glorified coffees, "pretend" healthy snacks (nut butters, so called Kind bars, dried fruits, and gluten-free baked goods) are keeping you from your fat loss goals?