Having a self-care routine is essential to expressing the energy of love in your body. Making time regularly for self-love rituals is vital to your heart and soul’s well-being. Initiate and establish a regular rhythm of self-care in your life.
To fully experience your heart’s desires in both love and life, having practices that help you tune in to help nurture your physical body and nourish your essence can not only be energetically enriching – it’s soul-gratifying. Love and healing can happen on many levels.
How you set up your self-care sanctuary is as important as having a self-love ritual. Setting up an area in your home as a self-love space, emanates a powerful vibe that declares you value yourself.
Creating a retreat-like setting for your self-care will automatically have a calming affect in your presence. Entering your sanctuary signals that it’s time to love yourself up and allows you to cleanse away the worries of the outside world and helps you pull in your energy back to you to refresh, revitalize and restore. The sacred space becomes your oasis.
Whether this is a permanent spot in your home or a temporary corner for self-love pampering, here are a few tips to creating your oasis for a self-love retreat.
1. Natural Elements like plants; water bowls with river stones; flowers and petals – the more the space emulates a natural setting the better.
2. Soothing colors like pastels, neutrals from natural settings that conjure up serenity.
3. Candles or oils made of pure materials and scents,
4. A few images that evoke love and self-love, serenity and what feelings you want to evoke in your life.
5. Essences or essential oils that help you tune in and favorably affect your state of being.
6. Journals, self-expression accoutrements, favorite poems or affirmations.
7. Pillows or blankets, luxurious and comfy materials, robe, shawl or scarves to sensually wrap around, love and beautify your body.
8. Natural creams, lotions or oils; body brush, washcloth dipped in elixirs to bathe your body and any other self-loving needs.
Create you oasis aligned to your personal style, from Zen to Opulent or Elegant or Eclectic –make it personally express you, so it both aesthetically and functionally pleasing. Remember, it’s how your space makes you feel that counts.