How a 20-Year Dark Night of the Soul Lead Me to My Purpose


How a 20-Year Dark Night of the Soul Lead Me to My Purpose

How a 20-Year Dark Night of the Soul Lead Me to My Purpose

Hello and welcome to Holistic Fashionista. I'm beyond excited to get to know you, your story, and the mission you came to lead during your stay on planet Earth.

As you will see in my story below, spiritual growth can be a messy process. However, what is revealed during those uncertain times is without a doubt the most beautiful transformation. We all have the power to impact the planet, and it starts with the person in the mirror.

My birth name is Angel and I currently live in Nashville, Tennessee, even though my roots and birth place come from California where I raised myself.

I’ve lived on my own since I was 16 years old, but as a Capricorn Sun, I never had much of a childhood. I often feel as if I am learning only now, at 45 years old, how to express my inner child — which I’ll admit, is still a challenge.

As a loner and introvert, I spend most of my time pondering the secrets of the universe, reading, writing, watching documentaries, and listening to my inner guidance system.

I have travelled much in my life, but most of my experience has come from the divine downloads received during my time in solitude at home.

I have a team of spirit guides who point me where to look to next and it is because of them, I am able to find what I am looking for in the most magickal of ways.

Through my Scorpio stellium in the 2nd house, my Plutonian curiosity lead me to the occult arts: tarot, astrology, magick, mysticism, Kybalion teachings, herbalism, and alchemy.

I have consumed myself in the world metaphysics since I was a teenager, mostly to help me heal from a traumatic past. Having lost several divine masculines during the years of 19 to 22, my college days were dark, grief-ridden, cold, and somber.

I read more books during that time on life after death than anyone that age prolly should, but I was (and still am) fascinated by death. I wanted to understand the psychology behind my mental unrest and what actually happens in the after life.

From there, I began studying and practicing Buddhism for many years while attending college in San Francisco.

Chanting to a sigil was a regular daily activity and I started to find the beauty in life again. However, as soon as I stopped practicing, my sadness would take over and I’d escape again with my nose in books.

What was it going to take for me to truly heal? I had to find out.

It was astrology that helped me understand why I couldn’t heal from those traumatic events; and I began to uncover my own keys to understanding my Self and the Universe.

In fact, it was then I discovered I was actually strong, even though I was crying every day in private.

I came to understand much later that I was living through the dark night of the soul, which lasted nearly 20 years. In a strange way, I had found comfort and made friends with the darkness that saturated my mind.

I continued to write, seek, and learn more about myself through ancient wisdom available online through audiobooks, blogs, and my personal favorite, beat up old books with old copyrights at thrift stores and second hand bookstores.

I’d found my savior.

Teachers like Neville Goddard, Aristotle, Joseph Murphy, Florence Scovel Shinn, Napoleon Hill, Paulo Coehlo, Hermès, and Count Saint Germain, and many others helped me to unravel the power of the mind and learn how to navigate through this adventure called life.

I started many businesses along the way, but it was the launch of Holistic Fashionista in 2012 that supported my ascension in mystical ways — that’s because the people (my kismet clients) I was serving were another catalyst for my transformation, and ultimately, another key and clue towards my spiritual advancement.

I devoted my life to sharing my heart, teaching the divine downloads I received from spirit, and using my psychic gifts with my clients because like them, they too had experienced a dark night of the soul and were paving the path to their life’s mission.

The ethos of these individuals was a reflection of my own truth and integrity. It was through the art of mirror work that gave me permission to find the beauty in my trauma and how all those decades of sadness weren’t for nothing.

They were a gift!

Today, I stand poised in my mission as a starseed and student of this miraculous place called Earth by upholding the highest level of integrity and truth always — thanks to my double Virgo; to be a voice of the New Earth; and to live peacefully in the 5th dimension where the divine is present in every thing I do.

I know that the concepts, methodologies, and teachings “I have created“ are in fact co-created with the divine.

The information I share comes through me, for I am simply a channel for my guides to manifest their beauty and visions into the physical plane — so long as it’s in alignment with my core mission on this planet.

As a 5D Activist and New Earth Mentor I stand for:

  • High morality, integrity, and standing in your truth

  • Metaphysical education and development of the Higher Self outside of what’s taught in the education system

  • Individuality, eccentricity, and owning your weirdness

  • Studying and embodying the 7 Hermetic Principles

  • Practicing ceremonial alchemy and plant magick as a way of life and to aid in manifesting

  • Meditation and breath work using binaural beats and Solfeggio frequencies to nourish the nervous system

  • A healthy lifestyle that aids in vitality and expanded consciousness

  • Prosperity and the ability to have, be, and do whatever you desire so long as it doesn’t hurt another

I am and will always be a student of life. I teach not only because teaching is my first love, but also to allow my spiritual team and guides (with whom I trust and admire) to access my consciousness for the purpose of positive reform and transformation on this planet.

Like us, they too want to create and materialize their desires and I am honored they have chosen me to help manifest their visions into this physical plane.

And finally, my mission is backed with ethos and problem-solving as voice for the Age of Aquarius.

I take this responsibility seriously, for I know that true humanitarianism requires you to first love and care for yourself. You must first Be what it is you desire before it will become part of your reality or the reality at large.

I am flawed and enlightened, and I feel this is a really great combo for success. Staying true to the Self requires humility and purpose; and I’m doing my part to maintain this healthy balance while I take the good days and the bad days as one in the same, Law of Polarity at its finest.

I'd like to show you how to Master the Art of Manifesting in the 5th Dimension in my free video training available here.

In closing, know that you are a miracle in a body. Your soul is an effervescent light waiting to reunite with the divine. Once you have met with divinity, it's an opportunity to strength the relationship by surrendering to your need to control any circumstance in your life.

But, you can still practice the art of manifesting until you master the language and all that really means is that your soul has learned to dance with the divine.

If you liked this article, I'd love for you to leave me a comment or join my spiritual network so we can get better acquainted.

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s magick and brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and owning their voice.

She has a special connect with alchemist, St. Germain and the Life Path 7th Ray, The Age of Aquarius, and her love for plants and tarot are prevalent in many of her workshops. As a a starseed and 5D activist, she was brought here to serve humanity, and Holistic Fashionista is her platform where she shares her divine downloads to encourage her clients to explore their own divinity and become powerful, self-realized New Earth Leaders of Tomorrow.

Learn more about Angel and her work. We'd ♡ to hear from you! Join the Holistic Fashionista Spiritual Network!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
