The subject of a Great Shift and massive vibrational upgrade on our planet has been spoken about many times and I suppose it is a timeline of which readers of this magazine are well aware of.
Vibration and density on planet Earth has changed and as a result, our bodies and DNA are upgrading. For some people it is too much of a change to maintain the same body, therefore we see more deaths these days. It is a bit like changing of an outfit, for the one which will be more fitting and adapted to the new vibrational environment.
Because we all live on the same planet - everyone is affected. It happens all over the world. A situation like this, for the Human mind which operates 3rd dimensionally, looks indeed pandemic.
I'd like to invite you, dear reader of this article, to find out, what is the root cause of all the events taking place on our planet.
Get relaxed and enjoy your own expansion. For yourself, for your family and friends, for every person, you ever come across, and every other Human Being that you vibrationally affect and support by expanding your own consciousness.
People are purging a lot of negative thought patterns, ideas, and "ways of being". Often it doesn't look like a very smooth process. It is a dance of push away the old - pull in the new, and all upgrades taking place on the levels of our mind, body and spirit. As more consciously we can approach it, as more light and interesting it will become to watch and easier to eagerly take charge and participate in it.
From the cosmic perspective, our planet is greatly supported. Our intergalactic friends of higher densities are available to assist in many ways.
Yet, support can be given only for those who ask, because our Free Will has to be respected. That is the gift we have been given and the law ruling our existence as Human Beings. Imagine that you're trying to help someone who actually do not ask for it.... doesn't it feel off?
Helping someone without their will is actually infringing upon this very basic law of choice.
Don Elkins, a professor of physics and UFO investigator has been asking so deliberately and consistently that he has received a great deal of assistance, which these days is available for anyone who wants to use it.
I think that his devotion and commitment represented not only his personal desire to understand more but the collective call created by many many people.
In 1981 professor Don Elkins and his team has established very clear channel of communication with ET Beings who is "sixth-dimensional social memory complex formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago."
Contact has been happening through channel Carla Rueckert between 1981-84 in a form of conversations that has been recorded and published as a series of books named "The Law of One".
Anyone who is ever asked questions like "Who am I? "What is life?" "Why we exist?" "What is God?" and many other of rather puzzling ones , can find great deal of clarity in those books.
Nowadays, more than ever the whole collective wants to understand of what is actually going on?
Perspective given by the Channel of Infinite Intelligence in the "Law of One" can be indeed enlightening and greatly accelerating for many people.
It is wonderful time to advertise this amazing source of support that we have access to.
A "Bible" for anyone who wish to see greater picture about the planetary changes and evolution of Humanity which are currently taking place.
Expansion of our consciousness allows for more grace, ease and intelligence throughout this process.
As more of us can embody that, as more of an example we become for our Fellow Human.
The series of books "The Law of One" referred also as "The Ra Material" can be easily found and downloaded for free in the online space.
“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.” (from session 4)