Article by: Angel Quintana Photo: Spell Designs
Magazine: Issue #33
As we celebrate this month’s issue with the fabulous Spell girls, what better opportunity to discuss just how powerful putting a spell on your tribe truly is as you build your business. After all, it’s those hours of scouring Instagram and Pinterest that have us salivating about all the things we desire and the manifesting begins-- and the casting of spells begin!
The secret to putting a spell on your tribe is to first know who your tribe is.
It’s actually everything, really it is. If you don’t know who your people are, well, it’s going to be pretty hard to put a spell on them, right? Imagine if you wanted to get a boy to fall madly in love with you, but you didn’t know who he was! You can imagine, that could just be a little confusing (and perhaps maybe even disastrous!)
So what is this tribe that I speak of? Your tribe is your Kismet Clientele™ and intrinsically, they are much like you. Whether you're a moccasin girl or a stiletto darling, you’ve gotta analyze what makes this person truly tick inside and out. Once you do this, the magical spell starts working its magic.
Here's how to make your customers feel special:
Imagine walking into a room and feeling an energy that literally pulls you from every angle. You don’t really understand the energetic pull, but it’s very much real and indeed it’s undeniable. That’s what it’s like once you understand who your tribe is. It’s a inner knowing.
Do yourself and your business a favor and take some time to get to know what makes your Kismet Client tick— and I mean everything! From her feelings about football to what she looks for in a partner, write down everything. Then, the next time you go to write a newsletter, design a flyer, or revamp your website keep that long list in mind.
Appeal to her every sense, speak her language, and let her know you’re always thinking about her. Before you know it, you will have put a spell on them! Just be careful that you never break the bond. Once your tribe has fallen in love with you, you must always act with integrity and never break her trust.
Breaking trust is as easy as changing your website drastically or using a new language that she isn’t familiar with. Just like any relationship it needs to be nurtured, and while surprise parties are awesome, surprises that come unexpectedly could be a tragic no-no.
And most importantly, recognize that your Kismet Client is a lot like you. When you can truly understand who you are as a person, knowing who you’re putting a spell on becomes simple: what would put you under a spell?
Once you truly know who your tribe is, it is then the spell-making magic begins. If you're struggling to build your tribe or sell more products, then perhaps you haven't mastered the art of discovering your Kismet Client. Use these four building blocks to get to know your tribe today. And never forget that the reflection in the mirror is the fastest, easiest, and most cost effective method to determining who you're meant to serve.