I wanted to share some tips you can try online today! You know your worth right? Ok, so why not share it with others while they stroll through their phone looking for something, maybe what they are looking for is YOU.
Your energy could completely make a difference in someones world. What you have to share could start something wonderful, for others and you! Below I provided tips on how you can expand and create more prosperity for yourself and others through social media.
Social Media Tips to Expand Your Consciousness!
Position yourself in a place of position as a leader! Embrace your inner Lilith and RISE UP! This means get out of your own way and just get out there. Go to that networking event. Reach out to those prospects that showed interest in your work! Be bold!!
YES, every morning and night find time to look in the mirror and talk to yourself! Be your own cheerleader. Believe in yourself everyday, even through hard times. It's just a test! Keep going! Mirror affirmations are your best friends and the sooner you start incorporating them into your daily routine, the more your consciousness expands! (Kick those ugly mental parasites to the curb!)
☽ GO LIVE on IG or FB (every single week!)
Show your face, share your energy, and your world with others! Make yourself known and be of service every week by sharing your light! Once your followers become familiar with you, they will start talking about you too, AND sharing what you do with others. Talk about expansion! :)
When we are vulnerable we allow others to see us and open up to us and explore our services. It gives them permission to share their inner world with you too! This is how together we expand the consciousness of the planet. So go first. Start the trend!
☽ PRACTICE YOUR ELEVATOR PITCH (and share it where ever you go!)
They're opportunities and synchronicity everywhere you turn, you just have to tap into it and put yourself out there. The more we talk to others and share our world, the more we attract kismet clients into our frequency!
I hope these social media tips were just the push you needed today!