Earth is a School for the Soul: Your Programming is Your Problem


Earth is a School for the Soul: Your Programming is Your Problem

Earth is a School for the Soul: Your Programming is Your Problem

This is perhaps, one of the most important posts I’ve written to-date that brings light to our current political system and uncertainty. This article is not intended to persuade or even to debate what is currently taking place behind the scenes in our government, but rather, to bring light to an otherwise polarizing topic.

Before I can go into what I’d like to share today, I’d like to first bring your awareness to the Self. On December 20th, 2020 at 11:30pm, I deleted Instagram and Facebook apps from my phone. Being someone who runs an online business, this might seem to be an extreme decision seeing that I connect and build relationships (and have built very strong ones with brilliant light leaders all over the globe using these platform), but it wasn’t.

Instagram’s new terms and conditions were going into affect just 30 minutes later and my spirit guides lead me to pick up my phone and delete these social platforms from my immediate access. Over the last 38 days something incredible has taken place inside of me: my energy shifted.

I didn’t think for a moment how this decision would affect my livelihood because I know how the manifestation process works, but that’s for another article.

What I want to bring to your attention to today is how “unplugging” has given me a true gift — the gift of Light. 

I was tired of the polarizing comments and seeing the egos of mankind bouncing around aimlessly. Instagram “networking” became something I no longer wanted to engage in because I realized my desire to be “seen” or “heard” was dimming Light.

As a New Earth Mentor, I take great pride and responsibility for the words I write and the content I share. It’s always heartfelt, honest, and intentional. I write because my soul needs to speak.


What I came to realize was that the vibration of many of these social platforms is very low in vibration because they are run by dark energy. When I say “dark energy”, what I mean is that the intention of these platforms have their own agendas— even if our agenda is to spread light, their agenda is to feed the collective ego.

Feeding the ego is what fuels dark energy and when the ego is perpetually being fed, we are voluntarily handing over our Light to dark energy.


Influence does not require an app, a TV show or debut, an award, or even a best-selling book. It doesn’t require a publishing deal or even a big company backing up our claims that we are indeed a person of authority. 

It also doesn’t require habitual posting, taking selfies, or having a big audience.

Your influence begins the moment you strip away your egoic desires and need to be “seen and heard,” and begin to lead with your soul.

Leading with your soul says, “I am enough. I desire to be of service. I love unconditionally.”


What we fail to realize during these politically uncertain times is that our programming, whether from our education system, habit-forming products like Facebook and Instagram, addiction to the mind, and so on— is merely a reflection of where we are in our ascension journey.

Earth is a school for the soul. It’s a place to expand and stretch our consciousness at an accelerated rate. And while the spirit world is also a school for expansion and growth, it is much more gradual in nature.

There is deep comfort knowing that I came to this realm to grow exponentially because I wanted to accelerate my desire for soul wisdom; I wanted to become more loving, kind, fearless, and release any judgements I had within myself and others. 

I wanted to learn how to be of service without egoic attachments and foster a deep relationship with my Higher Self.

It’s too easy to get caught up in the game that has been presented for us. It’s too easy to get carried away with how many followers we’ve gained or lost, or how many comments and praise we receive.

It’s too easy to get discouraged and defensive when people don’t agree with us or we don’t get what we want. 

But what we fail to understand is what we are actually experiencing is the confrontation of your old self.

Every day we encounter people who are just like us — whether it was “You” 5 years ago or 5 minutes ago, everyone is a reflection of You — past you or present you.

Once we begin to understand that Earth is truly just a school for soul expansion and growth, we start to loosen our grip around how much money we earn, how good our bodies look naked, or how the government is corrupt beyond no return.

Every one and everything on this planet is part of a larger organism — yes, even those people you think you have nothing in common with and aren’t part your “family” are indeed part of your reality. They might represent the dirt under your pinky toenail, but they exist as part of you.


One of the things I do regularly is to read the comments under content I enjoy listening to and watching. It always perplexing me why people waste their energy trying to “prove their point” in this way. But what mind-boggles me even more is that they don’t realize that their thoughts create reality.

The bottom-line is those who are fighting are merely fighting themselves. If we all stood up, the whole game would be over, but that would require the majority of people to look inside. It would require a good hard look in the mirror at your contribution and that being “programmed” and conditioned by society is only a scapegoat.

We choose to turn on the television, watch the news, pick up our phones and scroll till the end of time. We also choose what music to listen to, which videos to engage with, what shows to binge on, and what comments to write on social media. 

But what we fail to understand is that all of these pastimes fall into one of two categories: Light or Dark.

For me, releasing my addiction of being seen or heard on Instagram was just the good hard look in the mirror I needed to face; and I have my spirit guides to thank for that.

Every day is an opportunity to be guided by the light or succumb to the dark. 

If you really want to see the world improve, isn’t it time to check your ego and stop looking for the darkness in everything that is happening politically in the world? Isn’t it time to face the fact that your need for darkness is why the world is dark in your reality and consciousness?

The best that we can do here on planet Earth is to be a good student. Spend time each day studying yourself and behaviors, and integrating the light into our activities, thoughts, feelings, and so on. And then, pay it forward.

Your light is dependent on your service to pay what you’ve learned forward. Share what has worked and is working for you. 

Being the change you wish to see in the world is actually pretty simple. However, it will require you to put down your phone or devices long enough to see through your own programming. Just because “everyone” is doing it, doesn’t mean it’s the path to your soul’s growth. 

Make your primary objective here on planet Earth to expand your soul and you will find that your experience with life becomes synchronistic, synergistic and surreal. You’ll be lead by spirit, which will in-turn make decision-making a soul-based activity that is lead by the light instead of subconsciously programmed by the dark.

The choice has always been yours. 


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Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s magick and brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and owning their voice.

She has a special connect with alchemist, St. Germain and the Life Path 7th Ray, The Age of Aquarius, and her love for plants and tarot are prevalent in many of her workshops. As a a starseed and 5D activist, she was brought here to serve humanity, and Holistic Fashionista is her platform where she shares her divine downloads to encourage her clients to explore their own divinity and become powerful, self-realized New Earth Leaders of Tomorrow.

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