Build a True Business Tribe with Elevated Consciousness

Build a True Business Tribe

Build a True Business Tribe


Article by Jenni Cornette
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27

It is my belief that in order to attract the tribe you desire, you must be the tribe. I believe if you set your intentions and make a conscious decision to arrive at your destination, not solely for money but rather with a mindset of helping, mentoring and to be of service, you will be surprised by what happens or is gifted back to you. In my life it is when I arrive to be of service that I have reached the highest levels of achievement. The universe digs it when we serve others and are selfless, it creates a vibration that attracts and enables you to reach a higher stage of consciousness or enlightenment. You must first be conscious and concise of your own intentions. You have to walk the walk and talk the talk. You must be mindful that you are not attracting the wrong tribe with the wrong intentions.  If you are looking to build a community of like minded individuals, you have to be living from what you are at the core, this is where soul resides. Your desire to build a tribe cannot be solely to make money. There is no soul in that, run your business with your soul, with passion and purpose. I would like to share 8 tips that elevate consciousness for growth in business and in lifestyle.

1|  Movement : Everything needs movement to sustain life force. Our bodies need it, exercise or move your body each and every day. The same goes for business, a business in motion, stays in motion. These words of wisdom do not only apply to the body, but also the mind and soul.

2| Excitement: It is imperative that you are doing what excites you! Excitement produces a one of a kind unique vibration that will rise you to new levels of productivity, and attract opportunity. So if it doesn't excite you, simply do not waste your time on it!

3| Face your fears with courage. 

4| Meditate

5| Support System: Have a true support system or foundation of friends and family to.


6| Think positive, live positive. Be a good person, role model and example to others.

7| Never stop learning: Keep Your Ego In Check, don't brag constantly, it gets boring and if you want a tribe of intelligent individuals in your circle they will tire of hearing about all your achievements and growth.  Intelligence lifts others up, intelligent business boss ladies can be confident without boasting and they know that success comes from a team not from a solo act ever!

8| Rest in Shivasana accept and embrace the seasons and the four directions of life. There is a season to plant, a season to sprout and grow, a season to harvest and a season to rest. You need the moments of rest to let all your work settle and resonate into your spirit. At the end of a yoga class you lie in Shivasana to let all the breathe, work, and energy settle into your being. Take Shivasana in your boutique business and don't be tempted to push yourself to go at full force with no rest. Just like in yoga, this will result in injury or over extension and will set you back rather than build.

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