“It’s better to have fewer things of quality than too much expendable junk.” – Rachel Zoe
During my minimalistic journey I have discovered you don’t need a lot of clothes to look and feel good. As an image consultant I have been on a quest to liberate myself and my client’s from the mindset "more is better." Detoxing was a breath of fresh air and I was surprised how I felt energized and renewed. Everyone should indulge in this sweet freedom and unlock the essence of their style.
Understandably, like most in the beginning I bought into the lie and accumulated or held onto an absurd amount of unnecessary items. I’m sure my fellow fashionistas have a beloved dress that no longer fits sitting in their closet or have made the statement “I have nothing to wear” before a night out. The problem is our closet is jammed packed with clothes that no longer serve us and our creativity is suffocating……OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND!
Embracing a minimalist mindset doesn’t mean starting from scratch because it’s not realistic or economical. First step is clearing out pieces with no longevity and creating a functional wardrobe that will ultimately give you the feeling of a fresh start! The goal is to stop throwing around our hard earned money on a pile of junk and invest in high-quality pieces that serve us well. Investing in purposeful statement pieces you love to wear will take you through season to season.
I have experienced first-hand the foundation of living a full life will require less stuff. When your forgotten clothes are visible and have nowhere to hide this will ultimately save you time and stress. The concept of trying to figure out what’s in style, where to buy, and so on can be downright frustrating for the majority of my stylish newbies. The following tips represent the perfect building blocks for a polished minimal wardrobe that will allow you to easily transition as the seasons dictate:
1 :: Quality always wins over quantity! Chances are you own at least a couple of individual pieces that you do like. Buy more quality versions of the pieces you wear the most.
2 :: Buy timeless pieces you are going to wear and love. If you don’t need it don’t purchase.
3 :: Steer clear of trends and be wary of bargains. Purchase the best rather than a lot of cheap or less valuable versions.
4 :: Never make rash purchases and buy on a whim. Invest in clothing which suits your lifestyle and makes you feel confident.
Do not expect to find your new “minimalistic” mentality in one shopping trip. Building a new mindset is the result of understanding every purchase is an investment. Your style is a byproduct of what you are feeling on the inside. And consuming less is the understanding stuff doesn’t add to our joy. We should wake up in the morning inspired by our wardrobe. But never forget people are impressed with the content of your character and not the cut and color of your clothes.