Connecting with your cervix is one of the most empowering practices that you can do as a woman and it helps you along your journey of complete and total self-love. Yes! I want you to fall in love with yourself girl!
The Cervix/Heart Connection
It is the Chinese medicine belief that a woman’s cervix is related and connected to her heart. There is a lot of information around the cervix being connected to the heart center, and it also makes complete sense. Women can hold a hell of a lot of emotions in the cervix. So it is incredibly important we look after her.
Trauma Held in the Body
Trauma, pain, tension is stagnant energy. Imagine a swamp, it is dense, old stagnant energy that is sitting still lacking movement. A waterfall on the other hand is fresh, free flowing, vibrant energy, with movement and it’s light. As humans we can store and suppress memories, experiences and energy in this area that our body holds onto as trauma.
Stagnant Energy
If the energy in the cervix is stagnant it can lead to hatred, heart shutdown and disconnection from the world, giving up on hope, sex, life and being mean to others and yourself. When the energy is free flowing it allows you to experience love, joy and compassion. Especially self-compassion which can help us to be less critical on ourselves.
How to Move the Energy
Through intention, focus and gentle effort you can work to release any long held emotion, pain and tension in the cervix. The internal workings of a woman rarely has the sole focus of healing. We often will see a massage therapist for a sore body part to work on. Your internal workings has the same thought process, but you can help to heal yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Getting to Know Your Cervix
To connect with your cervix first get to know her. Look at her. This may be a little difficult on your own. There are companies that sell at home self-examination kits such as The Beautiful Cervix Project (I don’t have any affiliations with them, just straight out love their work!). You could also take in a little hand held mirror into your next Gynecologist or Pap smear appointment. I’m sure they would be more than happy to show you. It is your body at the end of the day!
Tools to Help You Connect to Your Cervix
A beautiful exercise to help you connect to your cervix is through touch and massage. The use of a dildo is the easiest but it can also be done with your Jade Egg, a partners fingers or a penis. A little too difficult to do with your own fingers. This practice supports the Jade Egg exercises in my free eBook Jade Egg: The Beginners Guide in helping you to connect with your cervix and will enhance each exercise greatly.
Exercise to Connect with Your Cervix
Massage the area very gently, allowing whatever emotion to arise and if you feel tenderness and pain, allow that to come up also. Send your breath to this area and focus on releasing this pain and tension through breath and relaxation. A slight gentle massage with the end of the dildo will help also. For example: Inhale focusing on the area that has pain and tension whilst gently massaging, then exhale release and relax, letting this tension melt away.
Sacred Space
The most important step of all is that you create a safe space for yourself. There can be long held emotion in your cervix and doing this exercise requires the knowledge that you can be safe, grounded and held throughout it, coming back to a place of safety should you need to. Whether that safe place be somewhere inside your body or an external means.
Your cervix is magical, it’s role in our bodies as women holds such strength, power, delicateness and softness all in one.
She is divine, you are divine. My biggest hope is that you fall in love with yourself.