7 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Mindset


Article by Alyssa Hammond

7 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Mindset

From time to time, we all get sucked into believing that we've been dealt an especially difficult hand of cards. When struggling to get in touch with appreciation and gratitude for the life you’ve been given, here are seven ways you can immediately improve your mindset and tap into joy.

1 | Give compliments

Giving compliments is a great way to improve your mindset because you are training your brain to look for something positive. Compliments don’t just have to be about superficial things like hair or clothes, in fact, I would encourage you to focus on compliments stemming from deeper aspects. “I love those shoes!” may make someone’s morning, but hearing, “You’re such a good friend…” will make someone’s week. As a fun bonus reason to try this, when you give compliments, you'll be surprised at how many you receive.

2 | Start a gratitude journal

Start a daily journal where you write down one thing that brought you joy each day. Using a new page each day, write the day and the month at the top of the page, and the year right before your entry. For example, mark the top of the page with “January 1,” and as your first entry, write “2021- Tried a great new restaurant and walked through downtown.” Some days will be rough and you will feel like there isn’t anything good to reflect on, but focus on the good pieces from the day, even if it's that you started binge watching a new Netflix series. Repeat this process daily, and in future years you’ll be able to read all the great memories from years past. It’s an instant pick-me-up!

3 | Spread love

The answer to every question is love. Want more friends that love, support and accept you? Focus your energy on being a source of non-judgmental love, and you will attract all sorts of wonderful high-vibrational people. Remember that the energy you put out into the world will come back to you tenfold, so if you pour out love, you’ll get it back in beautiful and unimaginable ways. The most common regret people have on their deathbed is that they wish they told their loved ones more often that they loved them. So make the effort now, and reap the rewards immediately.

4 | Announce your love of the little things

Science shows that saying things aloud stimulates the part of our brain that makes us believe something. Saying a thought aloud not only puts us in a good mood which makes us happier, it also makes the people around us happy. For 1 week, try announcing when you see or experience something you like, like walking outside and exclaiming, “What a gorgeous day!” or telling a friend, “I’m so glad we got together, I’ve missed you!” and notice how others will naturally flock to you. People like to be around happy people, and your mindset will get a happy little boost as well.


5 | Get off your phone

Living in such a digital age where everyone is attached to their phones, it can be hard to ‘unplug’ and fully immerse yourself in what’s going on. So, if you’re with a group of friends you haven’t seen in awhile, take a group picture when you first get together, and then put your phone away so you can truly catch up. You’ll walk away from get togethers feeling rejuvenated and inspired.

6 | Acknowledge your feelings, then let them drift away

We are entitled to have any & all emotions, without guilt. All feelings are valid. Thoughts and feelings are not the issue, acting on those thoughts and feelings is what causes turmoil. So instead of running from the things that plague you, feel them, acknowledge them, allow yourself to explore why you’re feeling this way, and then let them drift away. One helpful strategy is getting in the shower and imagining the negative thoughts, attitudes, and emotions washing down the drain. Emerge from the shower feeling fresh and with a renewed outlook on life.

7 | Keep things in perspective

This is probably the most important concept on this list. It’s incredibly easy to get lost in our own self pity, especially in an age where the majority of the people we follow on social media are giving off the perception that they live the ‘dream life.’ Pull yourself out of your current situation and look at it from an airplane view - are your problems really that big of a deal? A good rule of thumb is: if you won’t remember this day in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes being upset about it.

All things considered, you’re doing great, my friend. You are a beam of light and you’re making the world a better place just by being in it. Keep going, keep loving, keep sharing, and keep the beauty of life at the forefront of your mind. It’s a beautiful world, afterall.

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