Our modern society puts a lot of weight on what we know and what we do as “proof” of what makes someone a leader. With the rise of holistic living and ancient wisdom traditions such as yoga, meditation and spirituality, our ideas of what makes someone a leader is rapidly changing. We are no longer willing to sacrifice our health and satisfaction for professional success. We are finding that Evolving Leadership the kind the world desperately needs has more to do with who you are and how you show up than your resume or accomplishments. Evolving Leaders are changemakers, and are here to BE the change. Here’s how:
Success + Satisfaction Secret #1: Get radically honest with how you feel.
Our ancestors were NOT told, “you’re too emotional.” In fact, Native American women were consulted by the men during their moon cycle. Their feelings were deeply honored as wisdom that was used to make decisions on matters that affected the whole tribe. As women, our feelings are one of our greatest powers and forms of intelligence, so let your feelings be heard, girl! Grab your journal and reflect. Give them a voice with trusted girlfriends. What is draining you? What fills you up? Whatever you do, do NOT ignore your feelings… They are here to tell you something! Practice tuning in to how you feel at least once per day.
Success + Satisfaction Secret #2: Slow down for selfcare.
Selfcare can often feel like another “todo” on the list, but it doesn’t have to! You actually care for your energetic body and elevate your vibe when you slow down. Slowing down means less of your energy is leaking out, so more of it becomes available to you. Besides, frantic, frazzled and scattered energy doesn't resonate with people who are looking for a leader. Consider simple things you do every day as part of your selfcare practice, like walking, breathing, and talking to friends. Consciously try to slow down, stop multitasking, breathe more slowly and deeply and look people in the eyes.
Success + Satisfaction Secret #3: Be willing to listen within.
In the digital age, it can be tempting to ask all your friends on Facebook or Google for advice. But the sages and mystics have known for aeons that the true teacher and all of your answers lie within. First, you must be willing to receive the inner guidance that is ready to flow through you. Then, make the time and space in your busy day to open to receive it. This means prioritizing alone time in silence, meditation, nature or movement to get out of your head and into your body to hear the voice of your deeper desires and inner wisdom.