Article by Keisha Shields
Photo Credit: Mariana Garcia
Magazine: Issue #25
It’s a funny thing really. To be a smart, gifted, brilliant woman. One who is amazing in her own right. Maybe it was being top of the graduating class, or maybe it was moving up the ladder pretty quickly. Being the envy of so many who look up to you as a mentor. Yet, feeling so far away from where you know you should be at this stage.
The problem. You’re excellent at what you do, but you feel like an internal disconnect has happened somewhere along the way. You wanted to take what you do and elevate it so that you can be handsomely paid for it by amazing people who adore how you improve their lives (and not continue working for those who undervalue or under-appreciate your tireless efforts). What happened instead, though, is that you realized that this meant that you needed to show up in a bigger way. To possibly expose that vulnerable side of you that feels embarrassed or ashamed because you went from being the best of the best (and knowing it) to feeling stalled and out of alignment because somewhere along the way you settled big time for less than what you know you deserve. You’ve used this cocoon-like state to protect you for far too long. It’s time to bring your gifts back to the surface.
Creating the luxury brand or the luxurious, beautiful life that you want first starts within the mind. Sometimes you truly just have to hit the reset button. Here are 4 success strategies for smart girls and high-level women entrepreneurs who are ready to reclaim their thrones and get back on top!
Smart Girls’ Success Strategy #1: Stop Doubting Your Capabilities
The time, money, and energy that you have invested into your education, your career, your business, your brand, your love life, and your friendships has not been in vain. You are fully capable of becoming who you know you are meant to be. Stop doubting yourself. Confidence is super sexy. As Suze Orman often states “Power attracts; Powerlessness repels.” Tap into your power source, because as women entrepreneurs and women CEO’s doubting yourself is limiting your cash flow more than you may even know.
Smart Girls’ Success Strategy #2: Reconnect with Your Vision
This is my absolute favorite part of helping smart girls with their luxury brands and luxury lives, because I get to help women like you to re-connect deeply and intimately with that vision that you’ve always had for how you envisioned your life. To help you reconnect and remember the possibilities all while being reminded that it’s still very much possible to make that vision happen right here right now. Take note of the ‘action source’ of the vision. For example, does your vision involve you having a luxury brand? Is it more about you having the freedom to travel to luxurious destinations or become a well-known philanthropist? Did the priority for you come in the form of needing more socialite time in your life?