Article by Debbie Moore Johnston
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #28
Imagine a life and business that moves with ease. No second-guessing yourself— just your badass super powers showing up when you need them. You start getting the clients of your dreams. Your family starts to do things to make your life less stressful. Your creative super powers are just on fire.
Here’s 4 Easy Steps to get your GUTSY GO TO GAL Super Powers on HIGH:
1. Listen to your GUT! Gut reactions are usually spot on. Don’t question yourself. It’s usually just FEAR trying to divert you. Step into your POWER
2. Negative Nelly showing up. You know, those little voices that tell you can’t, shouldn’t, it won’t work, what will people think. Step back, sit down, and start writing a PRO/CON list. It will make things more clear. Unless someone is going to catch on fire or die---then forge on!
3. Wait a minute!!!! Don’t get in such a hurry tiger. Step back from the situation. Take a walk. Clear your head. Meditate. Eat some chocolate. Breathe. You’ll come back with a different perspective
4. BFF. When the going gets tough---call your BFF. What are friends for? In business and life, the people that know you best will be your biggest cheerleaders. And they’ll shoot it to your straight---you know the one. They’re the one that knows your deepest secrets---and wouldn’t tell a sole where the body is buried So put on your cape and shiny gold cuffs! You’ve got this one! The world is waiting for someone just like you.