Are you constantly feeling anxious, overwhelmed and worried inside of your business? You know that you want to be an example of healing, sustainability and health to others, but you are wondering if you have what it takes?
Do you often wonder if you have enough energy, time or are even ready to step up as a holistic leader, business owner or coach? Read on my Beauty.
I know the feeling of overwhelm, uncertainty and wondering where the money will come from all too well! I have been an entrepreneur for 7 years through out my life and I know how challenging it can be to show up as a positive uplifting example in the business world. It can feel dark and cold out there some times.
As an Inner Beauty expert I work with aspiring healers and health coaches helping them find their confidence and clarity so that they can shine, heal others and change the world. I talk to women all over the world who share this same struggle.
When I follow these three principles… I feel so inspired, I know that I am on the right path and I connect with clients effortlessly. I have more fun and I make more money!
When I do not practice what I preach… I find myself feeling stuck, I get depressed, I loose all focus and direction in my business; and worst of all, my sales plummet. If you feel this way, you must start activating these three principles today:
1. Tune in to what your body needs!
Eating healthy, movement, hydration, rest and play are what keep you inspired and motivated as a holistic leader. I know you can put crazy expectations on yourself as business owner and leader. You must take care of your body to have the energy to be your best self and grow your business!
I know you know how to take care of yourself. So pause for a moment to check in, are you giving your body optimal treatment? If not… Today, take out your calendar and schedule more self-care and create time to nourish your body. Plus a healthy lifestyle often means more sustainable living, which will also have a positive impact on your planet.