Rissa Miller Angel Quintana April 22, 2021 RISSA MILLER It’s rare to find Rissa without tea. No matter where she is or what she’s doing, she usually has green tea right beside her. She has been practicing tasseography, ie tea leaf reading, since she first had loose tea fill her cup as a teenager. Over the decades, she honed her methods and refined her language to tell the story of each teacup she reads. Tea is one part of her love of plants. She also dries herbs and flowers to create handmade smoke cleansing herb bundles and incense. She holds a deep reverence for plants and the answers they offer, whether as tasseographs in a teacup, smoke in the air, a healing salve for the skin, a houseplant on the windowsill, or nourishment for the body. Rissa finds deep peace in plant souls, and believes that their whispers are available for all who choose to listen.www.TasseographyByRissa.com ARTICLES BY RISSA Tasseography: Finding Clarity in the Bottom of a Teacup