Karin M Yearwood Angel Quintana February 1, 2021 KARIN M YEARWOOD Karin M. Yearwood is a holistic multi-passionate entrepreneur who specializes in hypnosis, mindset recovery coaching, and tarot readings. Her mission is to guide others on their journey of self-healing, self-discovery, and visioning after narcissistic programming. Karin has a gift of helping individuals evolve through their own spiritual awakening and transformation.Using her 4- step Halfway to Whole Method, Karin works with kindred souls and change-makers to discover their purpose and their life’s mission.She also holds a master’s degree in professional writing and works as a freelancer and writing tutor & instructor on the university level.www.KarinMYearwood.com ARTICLES BY KARIN Healing the Body From Dark Entities with Yin Yoga