Nicole "Goddess Na'Obi" Tate Angel Quintana January 28, 2021 NICOLE "GODDESS NA'OBI" TATE Goddess Na'Obi, born Danielle Nicole, has come to her throne to share her light with the hopes of helping other women awaken and heal their inner goddess and come together to raise the vibrational frequency on the planet through peace, love, and enlightenment.As the creator of The Lunar Soul tribe, she works to create space for women to come together to find their soul tribe through healing and creativity. She believes we are all creations created to inspire through that which we create. The limits are only those which we place upon ourselves.Goddess Na'Obi is an empathic intuitive, master reiki teacher and spiritual advisor, author, and speaker. Her goal is to expand true christ consciousness and the power of the wombman through many spiritual and creative endeavors on her journey as a Master Builder. ARTICLES BY GODDESS NA'OBI Self-Love is Not Selfish, It's Essential