Lorna Stell Angel Quintana January 18, 2021 LORNA STELL Lorna Stell is an Intuitive Healing Guide helping empaths and HSPs (highly sensitive people) break free from chronic illness by releasing self-loathing and self-judgement.After a flare-up turned spiritual awakening in 2018, she was able to heal from a long list of chronic symptoms and deep emotional pains. She now teaches her clients how to heal their chronic symptoms by reconnecting to their intuition and body wisdom.Using intuitive methods based in yoga, meditation, journaling, being with cats, and creative expression through singing, she guides her clients in how to heal their bodies by first healing their deepest emotional pains. They can then embrace a life of physical freedom, energized relationships and careers, and emotional sovereignty.Her core message is that your body is not attacking itself, and your sensitivities and symptoms aren’t here just to make you miserable. Healing is possible for all who desire it.www.LornaStellIntuitive.com ARTICLES BY LORNA The Secret To Healing Chronic Symptoms For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People