Kate Burkett Angel Quintana November 18, 2016 Kate BurkettKate Burkett ~ The world traveling, Inner Beauty Expert and founder of Kate in Paradise, supports spiritual woman in stepping into their beauty and on-line carrier as a healer or health coach. In her Beauties programs she teaches woman just like you, how to follow their souls purpose to make money on-line, while cultivating a lifestyle of freedom, fun and healing. By bringing her message to on line platforms like Instagram, Purple Inc, Your Own University, Kate has taught woman how to over come the fears of failure and self promotion that come up when starting a new on line business.She helps her clients find clarity and authentically, confidently put their healing message on-line so that they can start living their purpose and making a difference right now. Kate’s free sprit, enthusiasm and desire to see her clients succeed empowers them to find a meaningful freedom based lifestyle through their business. She assist woman just like you in finding their Paradise!www.KateInParadise.com ARTICLES BY KATE 3 Secrets to Gain Confidence and Clarity When Building Your Holistic Business 100% Guilt-Free Organic Chocolate Recipe Is Your Business in a Rut? 3 Steps to Overcome the Overwhelm