Start Treating Your Art Like a Business

Get Your $$$ Out of the Toilet! Summary:

If you're going to be an Artist, you have to start treating your Art like a business. Your talent is your WEALTH. Your creativity has VALUE. 

If these statements make you feel uncomfortable, it's time for an attitude adjustment. Your attitude about your value as an Artist and the value of what you create has everything ~ and I mean EVERYthing ~ to do with how much bank you make with your art. It IS that simple. 
Don’t just stand there, Get Up & Speak!

Get Your Money Out of The Toilet
Get Up & Speak!


Revolution Ringleader Pamela Wills teaches Artists around the globe how to stop dabbling in their art, call the shots and start making BANK from their talents to positively impact the cultural landscape. Get her FREE audio badass teleclass, “Ten Ways to Spice Up Your Branding, Boldness & Bank Account” at

Host: Pamela Wills