Speak on Stage: Future You on Stage

Let’s take a ride through time and space... Let’s do this old school, close our eyes and flip the switch on our imaginations... Let’s sit back and picture our future Selves... ON STAGE!

That’s right, you heard me.

Today is the day you imagine your Self on stage and UNAFRAID. It’s a brave new world, peeps!

Get comfy. I hope you’ve gotten your Self a beverage and some popcorn. This is going to be one HELL YEAH of a show! You’re about to watch your Self knock it out of the park!

1) Check out that entrance!
The host announces you. You feel a little tingle of excitement and remind the butterflies in your chest to make like an air show and fly in formation. You break into a huge happy grin as you rise to the challenge.

You walk – no, wait... You STRIDE with confidence and flair from your seat, down the aisle and up the steps to the podium at center stage. You have arrived!

2) Your opening grabs the audience’s attention and never lets them go!
Your confident entrance leads right into your first sentence, which mesmerizes your audience and keeps them glued to your words. Your dynamic delivery and stellar content keep them sitting on the edge of their seats, hanging on your every word!

3) Hahaha you’re funny!
Every once in awhile, you drop a funny line or tell a funny story that has them chuckling, giggling and outright laughing out loud. 

Hey Funny Girl, have you ever considered a career in stand up?

4) The content you provide is out of this world!
You’ve done your homework. Your prep really pays off. Details, stories, anecdotes all backed up with facts and figures that your audience eats up like homemade chocolate chip cookies – with the big fancy dark chocolate chunks! Stellar.

5) I love the stories you tell as a way to illustrate your points, great narrative skills!
Your narrative abilities when you tell those funny stories and illustrative anecdotes make all the difference. The meat of your content shines with these additions.

6) Way to call the peeps to action at the end, check you out!!!
Great job for remembering to give your audience something specific to do after listening to your talk! You tell them exactly where, when, why and how they should take that action, too. Way to go!

7) Standing OOOOO!!!
Did you see that you got a standing ovation?? Did you hear all of that applause?? You are a huge hit! Speaking is definitely your thing, you are so good at it!

8) Awesometastic feedback, my friend
You got soooo much great positive feedback after you finished! So many peeps came up and congratulated you on your presentation! Congratulate your Self, too!

Way to go, Self!! I think you deserve a spa day. At the very least.

See?? You are wonderific on stage! You can totally do this. 

So... Don’t just stand there, Get Up & Speak!

Future You On Stage
Get Up and Speak

Are you an executive or business owner who regularly turns down juicy speaking engagements due to a persistent case of stage fright? Are you a creative soul who must talk about your Self but would rather die a slow, painful death? Do you hide behind your computer even though you know the road to success includes making many elevator speeches at many networking events? If so, make a pit stop here and fill your confidence tank with my practical advice and fear-busting exercises! Don't just stand there, Get Up & Speak!

Radio Show by Pamela Wills