Vitamin G is what our bodies get when we ground it and grounding is so so important to our health! Grounding or also known as Earthing is when we connect back to Mother Earth through the soles of our feet, through the hug of a tree, a touch of a leaf.. anything we can do that puts us back into touch with actual nature. We need to get our feet naked and feel the dirt between our toes!
Our bodies and Mother Earth share many connections and one main connection is the Negative Electrical Charge that we each carry. Our bodies are electrical beings that are healthiest when we are in a naturally negative ionized state just like the earth. But we are bombarded daily with an abundant amount of positive ions that have accumulated throughout our day from our modernized world. And we walk around in rubber shoes that cut us off completely from Mother Earths healing energy, we no longer plant our own vegetables and kneel in the dirt, we look at screens for a good amount of our day and sometimes forget about for days about the healing touch that the Mother Earth gives us.
When we come into contact with the earth through our bare feet, free electrons from earth’s surface spread into our bodies and instantly we are given a boost of antioxidants throughout our whole bodies. As antioxidants increase, inflammation goes down, our stress hormone cortisol can normalize which means blood sugar levels are regulated, metabolism stabilizes, electrical activity in the brain improves, immunity increases, heart rate stabilizes, stress levels go down, and sleep comes upon you at night like a baby. There are so many benefits of Grounding that more and more are discovered daily. It truly is a vitamin we need to be taking in daily.
Take off your shoes, get your feet in grass, walk on the beach, check your mail in your bare feet, make up a ritual.
The instant you come into contact with the earth there is an immediate benefit for your health and well being and there is no time too short to be in contact and there is no time too long. The more and more you do this the more your body, mind, and spirit will benefit.
Each night before bed go outside in your bare feet and stare at the moon. Take 5 minutes to think about your day, reflect on your thoughts and what you are thankful for in this world. Feel grounded from Mother Earth’s natural energy and blessed by Mother Moons healing light. Then go get in bed and sleep like a baby.
If you get an injury, go outside and get grounded! The earth’s negative electrons are going to immediately bring down the inflammation in your body and heal you quicker!
Walk barefoot on grass, dirt, sand, and soil, even concrete and ceramic tile. Hug a tree, touch a leaf, any contact with mother earth will do.
Neutralizes the free radicals that damage cells.