Sarah Thacker


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Sarah offers an integrative approach to health and wellness. She specializes in helping women heal their relationship with food as well as themselves. Sarah's unique, creative and sustainable approach is rooted in mindfulness, self-awareness and self-compassion in order to help women live a healthy, peaceful, fulfilling and balanced life. Sarah is author of the book, Wholistic Food Therapy: A Mindful Approach to Making Peace with Food. This workbook and expressive journal is designed to help women heal their relationship with food from the very deepest roots. Sarah offers online group coaching courses titled, Finding Freedom From Emotional Eating that offers a supportive and guided experience to end emotional and stress eating. She is a licensed therapist, certified holistic health coach, registered yoga instructor, board certified art therapist and certified EMDR therapist. Sarah is dedicating to supporting you along your path to your wellness and healing.

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