Mary Michele Nidiffer

Mary Michele Nidiffer
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Mary Michele Nidiffer

Mary Michele is on a mission to help women discover how beautiful they really are. As CEO of StyleFinder ID®, she knows firsthand that you can be pleased with nothing if you are not pleased with yourself and is committed to creating resources to educate and empower men and women to look and feel fabulous from the inside out. 

In 2010 Mary Michele created her proprietary StyleFinder ID® System to help her clients clearly define their style and dress from the inside out. StyleFinder ID® is now the foundation she builds her business on to help her clients create an authentic image and feel more connected to who they are. Her own StyleFinder ID® is Dramatic/Romantic and Whimsical, and her Archetype is the Sensualist. She is a national speaker, author and freelance writer. Mary Michele lives with her husband and four children in North Raleigh.

Holistic Fashionista