Through her own healing journey and years of spiritual exploration around sexual energy, Jaitara discovered the “Four Spiritual Laws of Sexual Enlightenment”
Through these Four Spiritual Laws, Jaitara is a powerful guide for women to create Spiritual alignment, healing and empowerment within their Sexual energy, so they can love more fully and ignite the power of their voice in intimacy and professional expression.
Jaitara is also passionate about collaborating with other women to be a conscious resource for the Maiden… young women and girls so they experience the power of conscious Sisterhood, understand the Sacredness of Sexual energy, respect the power of it and honor that in themselves and one another.
Jaitara is an international speaker, Spiritual teacher, author, facilitator, coach, Dakini and Master Rebirther. She is also the creator of S.E.E. – the “Sexual Enlightenment Experience” Women’s Retreats.