Anita Teresa Boeninger

Anita Teresa Boeninger is a visual & performance artist and the founder of SOMA Wellness Arts, providing group and private sessions in mindbody therapies, somatic movement, and healthy sexuality integration. She spent ten years studying and training with a variety of female masters of feminine-centered traditions and knowledge systems. Anita initiated the Embodied Femme Salon as a result of intense dialogues with other women who were making similar discoveries about the nature of the New Feminine Paradigm. Her passion is to share her wealth of feminine knowledge systems and explore with other women how we can integrate our multi-faceted expression for the good of all in an ever-intensifying global context of emerging feminine leadership. In 2013, she appeared on the Dr. Oz Show, and has been interviewed on Dr. Radio and Listen Give Talk Radio, to share her expertise on women's health and well-being.

Holistic Fashionista