Yeshe Chodron
From the desire to bring together all of her healing arts experiences, skills, gifts, training, and knowledge, Yeshe decided to offer life coaching services, a few years ago. Relying on the transformational practices that she was using to assist clients in experiencing their profound healing experiences, she moved into her own personal darkness and was able to extract the best piece of gold she could have hoped for. Yeshe discovered her authentic truth, her sacred purpose, and the source of her empowerment! After a few toussles with her inner demons, Yeshe has unveiled the shiniest parts of herself and brings them into her shamanic coaching practice. Yeshe’s genius lies in the arenas of walking between the words, for the purpose of love and healing; and, in observing, tracking and shifting energies. She regularly inspires multitudes of conscious women. She joyfully uses her sacred gifts to guide individuals.