Natalia Komis


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Natalia Komis is a holistic business and marketing strategist, serial entrepreneur, creative activator and the founder of Remote Mission. She is known for her entrepreneurial mission-led projects that empower the visionary leaders of tomorrow.

Supporting creatives, social entrepreneurs and change-making female leaders around the world since 2012, Natalia is passionate about sharing the strategies and insights she's learnt along the way so their mission is brought to the world with ease and clarity. 

Her creative and holistic approach to business and marketing is revolutionising the way we see work and 'making a living'. While her unique and modern businesses, programs and concepts, allow others to embrace their individuality, discover their true calling, align them to their values and make a lasting impact.

She is passionate about being an advocate for gender equality, empowering those who are disadvantaged and she celebrates nature and ocean conservation through her own art practice.

Holistic Fashionista