Stay True to You: 8 Paths to Originality Angel Quintana May 18, 2015 STAY TRUE TO YOU: 8 PATHS TO ORIGINALITYFreedom is being original without permission. Why not be original?? It’s not easy but it is super important to practice, especially when you are under pressure to conform. If you conform all the time, you eventually lose sight of your true Self. To help you stay true to YOU, tune in to these 8 Paths to Originality.Get Rebellious and start calling your own shots! Get RebelliousStay True to You: 8 Paths to Originality0:00 / 0:00 Revolution Ringleader Pamela C Wills teaches multi-talented creative Artists from around the globe how to use #artitude to make their talent their business & make a living as Artists. Get rebellious and download her FREE report for Artists of all stripes, 10 Simple Ways to Market Your Art at