Creative Edge: Fight Genius Amnesia and Get Your Creativity Back Angel Quintana January 16, 2015 CREATIVE EDGE: FIGHT GENIUS AMNESIA AND GET YOUR CREATIVITY BACKDo you have the symptoms of Genius Amnesia? Have you forgotten what it’s like to live in your true nature? Have you lost your ability to play and create?Join holistic health and host, Cymber Lily Quinn as she talks with Genius Geek, Pat Sullivan. Pat describes how we lose our sense of genius as children, and how we can get that back as adults. Holistic Harpistry RadioCreative Edge: Fight Genius Amnesia and Get Your Creativity Back0:00 / 0:00 Confidence Coach, harpist and composer, Cymber Lily Quinn teaches musicians how to overcome their musical obstacles, use Law of Attraction and Buddhist principles, and get their world-changing music out there. Find your confidence…sign up for one of Cymber's 100 Free 30-minute Blooming Musica Confidence Sessions before they are all gone. www.Cymber.comRadio Show by Cymber Lily Quinn.