In a world where everyone appears to be sedentary, scrolling aimlessly on their digital devices, or binging the latest television series, it’s no wonder our intuition is challenged or worse, our desires never come into manifestation.

When you move your body, something magickal happens to you.



Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s magick by reprogramming their subconscious mind and repairing the holes in their aura. She is a certified holistic health practitioner and nutritional consultant for over a decade who has cured her own ailments and a 20+ year battle with psoriasis through the power of what she calls frequency medicine.

She has a special connection with alchemist, St. Germain and The Age of Aquarius, and her love for plants and tarot are prevalent in many of her workshops. As a a starseed and 5D activist, she was brought here to serve humanity, and Holistic Fashionista is her platform where she shares her divine downloads to encourage her clients to explore their own divinity and become powerful, self-realized New Earth Leaders of Tomorrow.