Everything is sacred. Everything at the core of its essence comes from a pure source of Light-Mother Earth and Spirit. Your breath, your body, your home, your food is all sacred. Over time, if the essence or spirit is not tended to, it eventually gets weighed down and sometimes falls asleep.
Making time to commune with the sacredness of everything by using an altar for sacred practices awakens the dormant spirit within yourself, objects, and spaces; re-connecting everything back into oneness.
Recognizing everything in life as sacred brings you back to the truth of your essence and soul’s potential. Creating a sacred space in your home and/or office to commune with Spirit is essential for spiritual reconnection, awakening, and growth process. An altar is a powerful place to grow this energy. It is a bridge that you create which connects you to the Greater Powers that be!
An altar is a space that is used to do rituals, pray, meditate, connect, commune, heal, release, strengthen, and manifest. An altar is a beautiful place for you to co-create the life you want with Spirit.
It should be created with clarity, love, and intention to give space for the energy of Spirit to grow and awaken in your life.
I have adapted this Altar Guide from my book, Becoming Light Rituals and Affirmations for Life. When creating an altar space, you can make it as big or small as you would like. I suggest you have a larger one at home as a main spot to do your sacred practices, and a smaller one in your office/work space or around the house for different intentions.
Each item you place on there should resonate, as it symbolizes an aspect of your sacred self; the way you place each item, and the direction you face when sitting at the altar should be in a special way that will connect the altar with Spirit, transforming it into a sacred space.
Altar Creating Ways:
• You can use a stool or small table to transform into an altar
• If you are making an altar in your office you can use the left-hand corner of your desk
• Use an exclusive chair, pillow or blanket (if you want to sit on the floor) to sit on
• Have your altar facing the east (this does not mean it’s on the east wall, but that you are facing east when sitting at your altar)
• Make the altar as simple or elaborate and elegant as you would like.
• Set your altar up with love and devotion.
Transforming Regular Furniture Into An Altar...
You transform a simple end table or stool into an altar through a sacred cleansing process. To do this, use a natural product such as apple cider vinegar, a natural cleanser, or rose water (ideal option).
Before spraying, hold the cleanser in your hand, and ask it to cleanse and purify the furniture piece to be able to hold sacred energy. You will then do the same with a cloth you transform into an altar cloth.