Article by Jessica Sandhu
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26
I was recently in New York City for a weekend workshop of yoga and writing with a group of intuitive and open-hearted individuals—all of them living and loving in a way that was most comfortable and easy to get along and create with.
At one point, I looked around and realized that all of us had done our work and followed our intuition to make it there for exploration. And it reminded me of when I wasn’t in that intuitive flow, not so long ago.
Personally, it took me a long time to connect to my intuitive side, having spent a lot of time in relationships (romantic and otherwise) where I compromised myself to keep others feeling “safe.”
In the holistic, entrepreneurial world, intuition is a muscle we need to learn how to flex more often than we are initially comfortable with. Our work is heart- and art-related, so not being at ease in our hearts can be devastating for a business—and worse, for a life.
Here are four simple things to apply to your life to build a strong intuitive muscle:
Feel. First, feel what is happening to you internally. Sensations, good or bad, will manifest physically. If you are aligned, listening, and following through on what your intuition is telling you, chances are you are feeling good and grounded. If you are going against it, then you probably have a sick feeling with symptoms of stuntedness and no growth. This is the very base of getting in touch with your intuition, so really pay attention to it.
Be honest. Once you tap into your feelings, be honest about what you are feeling. In some cases, intuition will tell you to go in a direction that is the opposite of what you had planned. That will cause fear about change in your life, and the possible hurt it might cause others once you make that change. There will only be suffering if you are not honest with yourself, and you cannot move forward until you have established this honesty.
Slow down & reflect. The only way to really dive deep and to listen to your intuition is to slow down. Making time for self-reflection and paying attention to the needs of yourself and your life will give you the necessary clarity to make the choices that are suited for you. Journaling, meditation, yoga, and long walks are super-selflove ingredients for tapping into the voice within. Connect to the internal dialogue that always wants to listen and talk.
Be courageous. The minute you let go of judgment about whether or how this will affect you, go to that courageous place and find peace in it. It takes great will and courage to really follow your heart, as it usually is not the place of normalcy. When you follow your gut, you are offering yourself the highest kind of love there is. Trust that what arises within is there for your best and highest interest. Trust, and know that you are doing your well-being the number one favor.